DeliSoil: New project under the EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ to meet the challenge of managing food industry side streams while improving...

DeliSoil Partner at the University of Copenhagen has just launched one of five regional DeliSoil Living Labs in Denmark. The recycling of side-streams from...

Parma, Italy – On May 29 at 9 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Strada dei Mercati 9/D Parma – Delisoil, a...

On May 27-28, ENEA hosted the Annual DeliSoil Consortium Meeting at the Casaccia Research Center in Rome, Italy. The two-day event, organised in a...

The University of Parma, as part of the National Inter-university Consortium for Environmental Sciences (CINSA), welcomed in recent days the partner of the European...

Last week, Rodolfi Mansueto hosted the European DeliSoil project aimed at developing solutions for the treatment of nutrient-rich production waste from the food industry...

Parma, Italy – On May 29 at 9 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Strada dei Mercati 9/D Parma – Delisoil, a...

The DeliSoil and Novafert projects jointly hosted a stakeholder event at Luke’s premises in Jokioinen, Finland, on the 29th of August 2024, organised by...

Researchers’ Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission since 2005 which involves thousands of researchers and research institutions in all European countries...

DeliSoil has been recently highlighted in CAP Network Ireland’s Innovation Spotlight series. This feature showcases the groundbreaking work DeliSoil is doing to restore soil...
Showing 1-10 of 16 results