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DeliSoil presented at EJP SOIL Annual Science Days 2024

Event Start: 10/06/2024

Event End: 14/06/2024

DeliSoil presented at EJP SOIL Annual Science Days 2024

The Annual Soil Science Days of the large EJP SOIL project took place in beautiful Vilnius, Lithuania on 10-14 June 2024. Our coordinator Ansa Palojärvi from Luke pitched DeliSoil project in a session dedicated for the external organic matter, i.e. fertilisers products and soil improvers. In the afternoon of the 11th of June, the DeliSoil poster was presented by Ansa Palojärvi and Elina Tampio.

The event was a great opportunity for DeliSoil to interact and connect with EJP SOIL projects and researchers. The work in DeliSoil will support and generate new knowledge on the production and use of tailored soil improvers, which could also be used in various databases and tools developed in EJP SOIL.

Furthermore, stakeholder interaction is an important part of both DeliSoil and EJP SOIL projects. At the event, we met and exchanged experiences on organising discussions with different stakeholder groups and got new and fresh ideas!

The Annual Science Days were held in the old town of Vilnius, which provided fascinating surroundings for the event. Lithuanian cuisine was also explored by Ansa and Elina, and especially the local dish, a cold beetroot soup, Šaltibarščiai, served with fried potatoes, was a feast for the senses! And, of course, the vegetable by-products would be great materials to recycle for fertiliser and soil improvement purposes!

European Joint Programme on agricultural soil management (EJP Soil) has been running since 2020. In 2024, it is time to wrap up the project results. During the Annual Science Days, the main focus was on discussing the results and outputs of EJP SOIL with the aim of disseminating them in initiatives and policies. DeliSoil project has many links with the EJP SOIL themes, and the common goal and driver is good soil health.

More info: https://ejpsoil.eu/annual-science-days-2024