News & Events
First Danish Living Lab Workshop

DeliSoil Partner at the University of Copenhagen has just launched one of five regional DeliSoil Living Labs in Denmark.
The recycling of side-streams from food industry to improve soil fertility and soil health was the focus of the kick-off workshop, which brought together Danish stakeholders from the organic waste recycling industry, farmers, advisors and authorities to work on the co-creation of solutions as part of DeliSoil. Several products were chosen to be tested in the lab and in the field throughout the project Living Lab.
Participants from the Lex4Bio project presented results on N fertiliser value and soil quality impacts of the range of biobased fertilisers. Lex4Bio is a Horizon 2020-funded project that LEX4BIO aimed to decrease the European dependency on finite and imported, apatite-based phosphorus and energy-intensive mineral nitrogen fertilisers.
For more information on Lex4Bio see here:
Stay tuned for more updates on the Danish Living Lab!