There is a need to assess the potential of processing solutions for mixed food industry residue streams (dairy, slaughterhouse, agricultural, vegetable and fruit processing industries) to recycle nutrients and produce safe and tailored soil improvers.
Value chain actors will be brought together to develop and test the effect of soil improvers (insect frass, digestates, compost and meat and bone meal) and their post-treatment processes (separation, mixing, pelletizing) on soil health indicators and fertilizing value.
Novel soil improvers from different residues with tested effects on soil health in pot and field trials. Recommendations on mixing different soil improvers to optimise soil improvement and fertilising effect of the novel products.
These results can be used in other value chains in Denmark but also in other EU regions.
Living Lab Coordinator: UCPH
“Maybe a quote here? This could be a quote from someone at the Living Lab location or even a general quote about the goals or success of the local project. It might help to bring the above outlines into a more relatable focus for visitors while providing motivation and encouragement.”
Regional Working Group Info Sheet (Danish)
DeliSoil Living Labs – Regional Working Group Info Sheet for Denmark.
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